
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Irish Eyes are Smiling

Paul Kelly presents an interesting piece on the strength of the Irish economy. Well researched and informative, with parallels and things to learn for Australians.

This comes during a week where Australian politicians argue over the productivity of the Australian economy. Australia has a strong economy, but I can't help but feel that they could loosen things up a little to stimulate other forms of wealth. Currently the economy is dominated by many old world companies, Bank One, Bank Two and Bank 3, Supermarket One and Two, Agricultural Co One, Agricultural Co Two, Resourceco One, Resourceco Two.....

Australia has parallels with Ireland with a former dependence on commodity exports and the export of skilled labor. What is being done to make Australia attractive for the many skilled people who have gone abroad to work, many for every. What will underpin the economy in ten and twenty years when the resources boom is gone and the population is seriously ageing? Will Australia have made the investments required to transform the economy for a productive future?

I used to go to Ireland until the 1980s. The country Paul describes is very different from the one I remember. I can remember talking to many well educated young people, who had taken advantage of free education to earn multiple degrees and who were forced to travel abroad to get a job in their field. The option to stay at home is at least there now.

Too bad the weather is crap and they have a second rate cricket team. Australia has them beat in those areas.

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